Turkish Patent and Trademark Office has released a revised version of its Strategy Document setting out its objectives for the next 5 years.

üzerinde strategy yazan kutu

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) is regularly preparing and releasing strategy documents setting out objectives and goals every five years.

The Strategy Document for five years had been already issued early last year. However, as the Law regarding the establishment and tasks of the Office changed just at the beginning of the last year (on January 10, 2017), it has become a requirement to revise the Strategy Document issued in 2017 in compliance with the new obligations of TURKPATENTbrought by the new Law.

The revised Strategy Document will be implemented between 2018 and 2022 in order to plan and carry out the works during the subject years.

While preparing the Strategy Document, the plans of earlier years, opinions of the stakeholders, the surveys, and workshops have been taken into consideration.

The Document states that TURKPATENT will perform its objectives and take necessary actions in compliance with its mission and vision statements as quoted below:

Contributing to the effective protection and commercialization of industrial property rights and serving to the economic and technological development of our country by increasing the awareness of industrial property in all layers of the society and being active in international platforms in the field of industrial property.
Being an Office contributing to the improvement of Turkey's intellectual capital and innovation capacity and giving direction to national and international policy in industrial property

The Document specifically emphasizes the values of the TURKPATENT, which are reliability, impartiality, customer orientation, quality, effective and fast service, solution-oriented approach, openness to change and innovation, employee oriented approach, openness to cooperating with stakeholders, efficiency in international relations, accessibility, and states that the objectives of the Plan will be realized on the basis of those values adopted by the Office.

Also, the Document makes a comprehensive analysis regarding the current situation, comprising historical developments, laws in force, services currently provided by the Office, the position of the stakeholders, the inner structure of TURKPATENT, and outside conditions affecting the industrial property in Turkey and around the world.

After comprehensively analyzing the current situation and affairs, the Document sets out the objectives, goals and indicators and strategies. It makes 5 objectives as summarized below:
  • Carrying out the services of the industrial property rights qualified, effectively and fastly.
  • Raising the awareness of industrial property rights in the public.
  • Making the industrial property rights into the economic benefits.
  • Actively taking place in the international arena and guiding to the country in the industrial property issues.
  • Making the institutional capacity strengthened.

To realize these five objectives, TURKPATENT is projected to take actions within the scope of 17 goals as summarized below:
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Enhancing the alignment with the judicial decisions
  • Providing all the services electronically
  • Developing the system of the attorneys
  • Raising the awareness of the industrial property in the public.
  • Supporting scientific studies in the field of industrial property.
  • Commercializing the inventions
  • Promoting the branding
  • Increasing the effectiveness of geographical indications and traditional products.
  • Promoting the creation of the original designs
  • Increasing the capacity to establish international patent search and examination
  • Increasing the effectiveness of platforms gathering the industrial property stakeholders
  • Participating in the International events to increase the effectiveness of the country on intellectual property matters
  • Consolidating the human resources infrastructure.
  • Strengthening IT infrastructure
  • Strengthening IT infrastructure
  • Developing a planned institutional culture

The Strategy Document also makes reference to the 10th Development Plan of Turkey setting out the following objectives.
  • The main objective is to increase the contribution of intellectual property rights and products subject to these rights to the development process, through creating a common and socially adopted system for the use and protection of intellectual property rights.
  • Adequate human and institutional capacity will be created in the relevant units of public sector dealing with protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, in particular in the judiciary, customs and constabulary.
  • Service capacity will be improved in technology transfer and innovation centres to make businesses benefit effectively from the intellectual property rights system and its subsidies.
  • The effectiveness of existing mechanisms in the commercialization of intellectual property rights will be improved.
  • Public awareness of the intellectual property rights system will be increased by promotional and educational activities at all levels.
  • Identification, monitoring and evaluation of contribution of the works and products subject to intellectual property rights to the national economy will be provided, and information and data infrastructure will be strengthened.

The Document finally sets forth the financial resources to realize the objectives and goals set by TURKPATENT.

To summarize, TURKPATENT aims to improve the capacity and qualification of its human resources, provide all its services electronically and raise public awareness on the intellectual and industrial property issues within next 5 years.

The text of the Strategy Document can be downloaded by clicking here.

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