Payment periods for renewal fees of Turkish trademarks and designs will change from January 10, 2018

matbaa baskı sayıları

New Industrial Property Code came into force last year on January 10, 2017 in Turkey.

The Code prescribes the followings for the trademark and designs renewal fee due dates:

Renewal fees for trademarks shall be due on the anniversary day of the filing date every ten years.
Renewal fees for designs shall be due on the anniversary day of the filing date every five years.
New Industrial Property Code prescribed a period of transition, which keeps the provisions of Old Decree Laws applicable regarding the due dates throughout twelve months from the date of entry into force of New Industrial Property Code, which means between January 10, 2017 and January 10, 2018.

The period of transition will end on January 10, 2018 and the renewal fees due for trademarks and designs on and after that date should be paid on the anniversary day of the filing date of trademarks and designs.

According to Old Trademark and Design Decree Laws (Decree Law No. 554 and Decree Law No. 555 ), it was possible to pay the renewal fees for trademarks and designs on the last day of the month covering the anniversary day of the filing date.

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