TURKPATENT released Turkish industrial property statistics of 2021

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has released statistics of 2021. A total number of 248,597 domestic industrial property applications were filed in 2021, including 8,439 patent applications, 4,418 utility model applications, 176,493 trademark applications and 59,247 design applications.

Compared to the previous year 2020, it has been observed that there was an increase of 3 percent in domestic patent applications, 24 percent in domestic utility model applications, 13 percent in domestic trademark applications and 41 percent in domestic design applications.

When domestic and foreign applications are combined, while the total number of domestic and foreign filings increased by 24 percent for utility models, 12 percent for trademarks and 39 percent for designs, the number of patents decreased.

19 universities took place among the first 50 entities to apply for domestic patents in 2021. 11% of domestic patent applications were filed by universities.

The sectors with the highest number of domestic patent applications in 2021 were respectively followings:
  • Medical and surgical equipment and orthopedic vehicles (609 patent applications)
  • Office machinery and computers' (534 patent applications)
  • Household appliances (523 patent applications)
  • Motor land vehicles trailer and semi-trailer (483 patent applications)
  • Pharmaceutical products, medicinal chemicals and botanical products (469 patent applications).
352 geographical indications were registered in 2021. Thus, the total number of registered geographical indications increased to 990 in Turkey. The provinces with the highest number of geographical indication applications in 2021 were Erzurum with 61 applications, Van with 34 applications and Gaziantep with 28 applications. Turkey has 7 geographical indications registered with the European Union. These are "Antep baklavası (Antep baklava)", "Aydın inciri (Aydın fig)", "Aydın kestanesi (Aydın chestnut)", "Bayramiç Beyazı", "Malatya kayısısı (Malatya apricot)", "Milas zeytinyağı (Milas olive oil)" and "Taşköprü sarımsağı (Taşköprü garlic)".

Turkey ranked 14th in the world in patent applications, 7th in trademark applications, 4th in design applications, and 9th in general industrial property filings at the national level.

Turkey has maintained its position as the country with the highest number of trademark applications in Europe since 2011. On the other hand, TURKPATENT became among the top 10 institutions that issued the most international search reports (ISR) for PCT applications last year.

TURKPATENT's statistics can be found here.

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