TÜRKPATENT releases data for 2020 for industrial property filings


Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT) announced the industrial property application statistics for 2020.

In 2020, it was noted that there was an increase of 0.7% in domestic patent applications, 23.2% in domestic utility model applications, 30.57% in domestic trademark applications, and 16.64% in domestic design applications compared to the previous year.


A total number of 7893 patent applications were filed in 2020, 7803 of which were filed by local entities and 90 of which were filed by foreign entities. A decrease of 0.2% was observed in the total number of applications compared to the previous year.

However, only considering the patent applications of local entities, it has been observed that there was an increase of approximately 0.7% in domestic patent applications (7751 in 2019, 7803 in 2020).A total number of 265 international patent applications entered the national phase in Turkey. This represents a decrease of 3.3% compared to the previous year (2019: 274).

A total number of 11828 European patents were validated in Turkey in 2020. This represents 8,8% decrease compared to the previous year (2019: 11828, 2020: 10785). While 10785 of total European patent validations were of foreign origin, 280 of them were of domestic origin.

Utility models

3600 utility model applications were filed in 2020 in Turkey, 3563 of which were filed by local entities and 37 of which were filed by foreign entities.

The total number of utility model applications increased by 22.4% compared to the previous year. Considering the domestic applications only, it was seen that there was an increase of 23.2% in the domestic utility model applications (2892 in 2019, 3563 in 2020).


A total number of 170590 trademark applications were filed in 2020 in Turkey. This represents an increase of 26.97% compared to the previous year. Among the total number of applications, the number of domestic applications was 155913.

The number of domestic applications increased by 30.57% compared to the previous year (2019: 119412).Total 14677 trademark applications of foreign origin were filed in Turkey. 

While 4562 of the trademark applications of foreign origin were filed directly, 10115 of them were filed through the Madrid Protocol. Accordingly, there was a 1.77% decrease in trademark applications of foreign origin compared to the previous year.


Total 11307 design applications were filed in 2020 in Turkey. Of these design applications, 9948 were of domestic origin, 365 were of foreign origin, and 993 were from The Hague system.

The number of domestic applications increased by 16.64% compared to the previous period. 

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