Turkey further extended IP deadlines

Turkey has further extended IP deadlines keeping the time limits suspended as from 13 March 2020 due to noval coronovirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

The further extension has become possible by the recent presidential decision dated 29 April 2020 (Decision No: 2480). With the decision, all the deadlines, which were previously suspended starting from 13 March 2020 to 30 April 2020 by the omnibus bill issued on 26 March 2020, were further extended till 15 June 2020 and will resume on 16 June 2020.

As the calculation of the deadlines appears complex to some extent, Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has indicated each situation for calculating the upcoming deadlines as follows:
  • If the time limit set by the Office expired on 12 March 2020 or before, the time limit will not change, namely there will be no extension of time.
  • If the time limit set by the Office expired between 13 March 2020 and 27 March 2020 (inclusive these dates), the deadline to act will be 30 June 2020.
  • If the time limit set by the Office expired/will expire between 28 March 2020 and 15 June 2020 (inclusive these dates), the deadline to act will be the date which is calculated by adding the remaining time as of 13 Mart 2020 to 16 June 2020.
  • If the time limit set by the Office started before 13 March 2020 and ended/will end on 16 June 2020 or later, the deadline to act will be the date which is calculated by adding 95 days to the expiry date of the time limit.
  • If the time limit set by the Office started between 13 March 2020 and 15 June 2020 (inclusive these dates), the time limit set by the Office will start on 16 June 2020.
For calculating the deadlines, the spreadsheet calculator provided here can be used.

TURKPATENT remains fully operative and accept all the applications and requests by its electronic filing system (EPATS).

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