Exams to become a Turkish Patent and Trademark Attorney held on November 16, 2019

The first stage of the examinations, which take place in two stages, to become Turkish patent or trademark attorney were held on November 16, 2019.

The candidates took a multiple choice test of 60 questions and exam papers for measuring practical skills.

In order to become a Turkish patent or trademark attorney, the candidates are required to hold a four-years university degree. A graduation in a specific field, such as law or engineering, or an internship by a registered patent or trademark attorney is not required to take exams and become Turkish patent and trademark attorney.

The qualifying examinations generally cover the following subjects:
  • National and international legislation and practices related to the intellectual and industrial property (80% of the questions by weight).
  • The initial provisions of the Civil Law and the provisions of the law of persons, the provisions of the contract of attorney of the Law of Obligations, merchant, trade registry, trade name and business name, unfair competition provisions of the Commerce Law (20% of the questions by weight).
Specifically, the subjects of the examination for patent attorney candidates cover national and international laws and practices related to patents and utility models, national and international legislation and practices related to design, general and common issues related to industrial property law, and the subject of the examination for trademark attorney candidates cover national and international laws and practices related to trademarks and geographical indications, national and international legislation and practices related to design, general and common issues related to industrial property law.

The candidates, passing the first stage of the examinations, will take their vocational examinations, which are expected to be held in January 2020, at the next stage.

The qualifying examinations are held once every two years by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT).

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