Digital Transformation in TURKPATENT

Server room with grass

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has announced that "Digital Archive Project", which was launched in 2015 to transfer approximately 65 million page documents in TURKPATENT's archives to electronic media was completed as from the end of 2017.

In the official announcement, it was mentioned that by scanning the physical archives and transferring them to the electronic medium, the physical movement of the files was minimised, as well as a faster and safer environment for the operations has been provided.

TURKPATENT also stated that e-invoices and e-book applications, where software are completed in line with the goal of realising all internal and external services and transactions in an electronic environment, have been also put into use.

According to the announcement, most of the services of TURKPATENT have been integrated into the e-government gate.

"In order to maintain service quality in view of the increasing workload, the works for the modernisation to establish a modular, expandable and scalable structure to meet the needs in the near future have been made. This will provide high performance, uninterrupted communication with the existing structure that has completed its technological lifetime. In the first months of 2018, the project is planned to be put into life." said TURKPATENT.


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