Turkey is expanding the scope of its Patent Support Program to increase the patenting activity in the country

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Patent Support Program, which is conducted in cooperation with The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT), has been amended.

TUBITAK and TURKPATENT signed a new protocol on February 08, 2018 to expand the scope of the patent supports.

Within the scope of the Program, all the costs for international patent applications and international search reports under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) will be funded by TUBITAK provided that Turkish applicants select TURKPATENT as International Search Authority (ISEA) and International Examination Authority (IPEA).

With the amendment of the Program, TUBITAK has included China and South Korea among the countries (USA, EPO, JAPAN) in which the costs for patent applications filed by Turkish citizens or those whose place of business are located in Turkey are supported.

TUBITAK has also substantively increased the amount of the funds paid to Turkish Patent Attorneys / Turkish Patent Agents for their professional development and supporting the inventors.

The cooperation between TUBITAK and TURKPATENT also contributes to the development of TURKPATENT's strong position among international patent offices

The numbers of patent applications filed in Turkey and in the world by the Turkish applicants are quite a low, compared to trademark and design applications of the country. Turkey would like to promote inventive activity and patenting activity by developing new innovation programs.

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