A high number of trademark applications associated with coronavirus recently filed in Turkey

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT) has received a great number of trademark applications associated with "Covid-19" and "Coronavirus" in February and March 2020.
These trademark applications either directly cover "Covid-19" and "Coronavirus" or use a wording highly associated with Covid-19 and Coronavirus. To put it in numbers, 33 applications covering "corona" or "korona, and 17 applications covering "covid" were filed in the last two months.

Several of applied-for "Covid" marks

Several of applied-for "Corona" marks

These trademark applications cover a large spectrum of goods and services in different classes, including class 3 (soaps, detergents, cosmetics etc.) and class 5 (pharmaceuticals, hygiene products, disinfectants etc.) and class 10 (health masks). The examination of the majority of the applications is still in progress.
TÜRKPATENT has already refused several of the applications covering “corona” or “covid” in class 3  and class 5. However, it has allowed some applications to be published, e.g. the mark "covid-19" in class 9 and "corona" in class 13. 