Physical filing route for industrial property rights closed in Turkey

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has recently announced it will close physical filing route for the industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, designs etc.). Accordingly, it will not be possible to physically (non-electronically) file the applications and post-filing demands as from January 01, 2020.

It will be mandatory to file all the applications and demands through EPATS which is the newly introduced web-based electronic filing system of TURKPATENT. The applicants and the patent and trademark attorneys will enter the EPATS via their passwords of e-Government or other methods such as mobile signature, electronic signature, internet banking.

TURKPATENT has issued this decision pursuant to Article 160 of the Turkish Industrial Property Law (Law No. 6769) after completing the technical requirements for the electronic filing system.

EPATS - New patent application system in Turkey

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) has introduced new online patent application system (EPATS).

The new system is put into use with a new interface, removing the defects of the former online application system with the following features:
  • Drafts can be created for the repetitive works.
  • Uncompleted applications can be saved as drafts for later completing.
  • Electronic notifications will be sent by email and SMS upon the completion of the applications.
  • Attorney information will be fetched automatically.
  • Files can be viewed and filtred by the attorneys.
The system will make it easy for the Turkish patent attorneys and paralegals to handle and administer their applications more smoothly and securely.