An overview of IP filings in Turkey based on “World Intellectual Property Report – 2017” Published By WIPO

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World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has recently published world-wide IP trends analysis based on filings and registrations in 2016. The analysis covers the figures of the national and regional filings and international filings of WIPO .

The report indicates that IP filings upward substantively, the increase rate of trade marks applications and design applications are 16.4% and 10.4% respectively and patent applications 8.4%. The source of most of the growths comes from China as expected always.

In the foreword of the report, it is reported that global patent filings grew by 8.3% and global trademark filing activity by 13.5% – making for seven years of straight increases. Following an 8% decline in 2014 and 1% growth in 2015, industrial design filing activity rebounded strongly in 2016 with 8.3% growth.

We have summarized Turkey’s patent, trademark and design filing activity based on the same report as follows:


According to the report, total registered trademarks in force have reached 863,582 in Turkey. Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) registered 218,137 trademarks in 2016, which makes Turkey 4th in the world in trademark registrations. During the same period, SIPO, 270,810, EUIPO 330,379, USPTO 326,481 trademarks were registered.

Number of trademarks registered by TURKPATENT increased 60% between 2012 and 2016. During that period, share of local residents in the registered trademarks has increased to 84.1% from 76.7%.

According to the report of WIPO, 227,159 trademark applications were filed in 2016. With respect to the number of applications, Turkey ranked 9th in the world. China was ranked first with approximately 3,7 million trademark applications. USA and Japan follow China with trademarks applications of 550 thousand and 450 thousand respectively.

Applications for trademark registrations in 2016 came mostly from the sectors of agriculture, service, research and technology.

14.7 percent of trademark applications were made by non-residents abroad. Germany has ranked first among the non-residents filers with 7,993 applications in Turkey. The other primary countries became United States of America and Switzerland with 4,117 thousands and 2,955 thousands respectively.

The first three countries where domestic residents have applied for trademark registration outside Turkey are the European Union, Iran and the USA.


An estimated 963,100 applications were filed world-wide in 2016, representing annual growth of 10.4%. Increased filings in China accounted for 90% of the total growth in 2016.

TURKPATENT received 46,305 design applications in 2016 and ranked 5th country among other Offices. The State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) became the first with total design applications of 650,344. SIPO was followed by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO; 104,522), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO; 69,120), and the offices of Germany (56,188) and Turkey (46,305).

14.9 percent of design applications (6,894) were made by non-residents. Germany has ranked first among the non-residents filers with 7,993 applications in Turkey. The other primary countries became United States of America and Switzerland with 4,117 thousands and 2,955 thousands respectively. TURKPATENT registered total 48,687 designs in 2016, 7,719 of which pertain to non-residents.


WIPO reported that in 2016, for the first time, more than 3 million patent applications were filed worldwide in a single year, up 8.3% from 2015. According to the report, driving such strong growth was an exceptional number of filings in China, which received about 236,600 or 98% of the additional filings. The next largest contributor was the United States of America (U.S.) with around 16,200 additional filings.

Contrary to good position in trademark and design filings, Turkey is lagging behind in the patent filings and registrations, although substantive growths have been observed in the last 5 years.

TURKPATENT is ranked 23rd in the patent filings among other Offices, receiving total 6,848 patent applications and granting total 1,764 patents in 2016. Non-residents filed 618 patent applications in 2016, whereas residents filed 6,230 applications in the same period. Total 155 patents were granted for non-residents in 2016, while total 1,609 patents were granted for the residents

In respect of the utility model applications, TURKPATENT takes 7th rank (3,534) among other Offices, whereas 1,4% has decreased compared to the previous year (2015).
